Bang! bang! bang!
What? WHISHT! Okay.
planets swirling abreast
a carving knife sliced thrice!
D'yeversee sucha thingin yer life?
A knowing nod from certain blind mice
Nowsitdown. Now look left. Now look right
How does it feel to be the one in the miDDle?
Don't worry, the middle has middles of it's own
The middle has middles that aren't worth middling
3 spotlights merge into 1. 99 eyes pinned onto you
Lay down. Cue: a choir of cotton clouds. Enter SUN:
SUN:(arms flailing) O heavens! Bad news in Indonesia
CLOUDS:(singing) For tonight you be mine to keep dear
SUN:(crossing stage) awful! disgusting!! woe!!! (exit)
CLOUDS: We be driftin off soon to sleep dear (enter sun)
SUN:(panicking) O! I've seen horrible things in in Ecuador
CLOUDS: We'll no worry, about tomorry (CLOUDS begin to rain)
SUN:(hysterical) You people are sick y'know that?! (collapses)
CLOUDS:(raining heavier) What good shall it do us to weep dear?
SUN:(weeping) I'm fine... really.. You just caught me at a bad time
(Clouds keep raining until the stage becomes flooded and the sun burns out)
Curtain call, shopping list, books to read, party tonight, death pending, life ending
Let days slip by while staring at a screen or a page or a field or another staring back
Something more? A portal in a drawer?to a land where people make more by the inflation rate
3 eyes, 3 ears, 3 legs, 3 arms, 3 hands, 3 feet, 3 elbows, 3 knees, 3 nipples, 3 nostrils, Ahh!!
Parralel universes and intergalactic excursions have no place in my rhyming-coupleted earthly song
So I blast them back to the far-reaching ringlets, the curly-crisp fringe of thought where they belong
No no no. I'd rather not alienate my audience with extraterrestrial rythms making them confused and dizzy
After all, I wear pants, use soap, walk hills, write words, sing notes, make war, eat toast and drink coffee
Mer-ri-ly squan-der-ing help-less-ly pond-er-ing, mea-sur-ing spoon-fuls-of sil-ly-bil-ly-ge-ry (syllablagery)
Fertive elbow-nudge to the tip-tip-tappery of noteworthy germanic master-waltzifier- S[undisclosed middlement]ss
A mechanized slideways wink from well-versed wisemen. [trau]matic triclops witholds gifts, embarks on divilment
My brains are rolling hills where smartly dressed bears sup on tea-cups in the front of their quaint cottages
There's nothing...more substantial...bouncing around on elastics...between these ears...behind this nose...
nor stuck to these walls, nor emanating from this guitar, so I draw to a close, and from closeby I draw
But but but... I hope that your hope has a hoop with a net in it, to let slip through spit and regret
Let it slip. Let it drip drip drip. Hit a jig, if it must, a viola or a gong if it must must must,
And if it must not, don't let it stop! Good christ, god almighty!! Gravity is not doing his job
Nine-ty-nine eyes ping-pong from heaven to dirt, from the tip of the tower to the flowers fist
Jump in a puddle, mumble a riddle, stretch, twist, breath in, eyes.. OPEN! Back in the middle
Lay down (pause) Cue: gentle fiddle, moody lights, delicate mist, drunken stars. Enter LUNA:
LUNA: ¿Quién vendrá a pisar mi blancor almidonado? La gallina y niño ya me han abandonado
Bang! bang! bang!
What? WHISHT! Okay.
planets swirling abreast
a carving knife sliced thrice!
D'yeversee sucha thingin yer life?
A knowing nod from certain blind mice
Nowsitdown. Now look left. Now look right
How does it feel to be the one in the miDDle?
Don't worry, the middle has middles of it's own
The middle has middles that aren't worth middling
3 spotlights merge into 1. 99 eyes pinned onto you
Lay down. Cue: a choir of cotton clouds. Enter SUN:
SUN:(arms flailing) O heavens! Bad news in Indonesia
CLOUDS:(singing) For tonight you be mine to keep dear
SUN:(crossing stage) awful! disgusting!! woe!!! (exit)
CLOUDS: We be driftin off soon to sleep dear (enter sun)
SUN:(panicking) O! I've seen horrible things in in Ecuador
CLOUDS: We'll no worry, about tomorry (CLOUDS begin to rain)
SUN:(hysterical) You people are sick y'know that?! (collapses)
CLOUDS:(raining heavier) What good shall it do us to weep dear?
SUN:(weeping) I'm fine... really.. You just caught me at a bad time
(Clouds keep raining until the stage becomes flooded and the sun burns out)
Curtain call, shopping list, books to read, party tonight, death pending, life ending
Let days slip by while staring at a screen or a page or a field or another staring back
Something more? A portal in a drawer?to a land where people make more by the inflation rate
3 eyes, 3 ears, 3 legs, 3 arms, 3 hands, 3 feet, 3 elbows, 3 knees, 3 nipples, 3 nostrils, Ahh!!
Parralel universes and intergalactic excursions have no place in my rhyming-coupleted earthly song
So I blast them back to the far-reaching ringlets, the curly-crisp fringe of thought where they belong
No no no. I'd rather not alienate my audience with extraterrestrial rythms making them confused and dizzy
After all, I wear pants, use soap, walk hills, write words, sing notes, make war, eat toast and drink coffee
Mer-ri-ly squan-der-ing help-less-ly pond-er-ing, mea-sur-ing spoon-fuls-of sil-ly-bil-ly-ge-ry (syllablagery)
Fertive elbow-nudge to the tip-tip-tappery of noteworthy germanic master-waltzifier- S[undisclosed middlement]ss
A mechanized slideways wink from well-versed wisemen. [trau]matic triclops witholds gifts, embarks on divilment
My brains are rolling hills where smartly dressed bears sup on tea-cups in the front of their quaint cottages
There's nothing...more substantial...bouncing around on elastics...between these ears...behind this nose...
nor stuck to these walls, nor emanating from this guitar, so I draw to a close, and from closeby I draw
But but but... I hope that your hope has a hoop with a net in it, to let slip through spit and regret
Let it slip. Let it drip drip drip. Hit a jig, if it must, a viola or a gong if it must must must,
And if it must not, don't let it stop! Good christ, god almighty!! Gravity is not doing his job
Nine-ty-nine eyes ping-pong from heaven to dirt, from the tip of the tower to the flowers fist
Jump in a puddle, mumble a riddle, stretch, twist, breath in, eyes.. OPEN! Back in the middle
Lay down (pause) Cue: gentle fiddle, moody lights, delicate mist, drunken stars. Enter LUNA:
LUNA: ¿Quién vendrá a pisar mi blancor almidonado? La gallina y niño ya me han abandonado
STARS:(stumble with various bits of broken brass instruments)¡Culpa tuya! Está hecho ya.
Roman columns spring up, a rocket penetrates the stage. STARS drink from long bottles
LUNA:(with guitar) ¡Ay! ¿Quién...?(Stops. Silence. All stare at you on the ground)
You raise your head, get up and leave the theatre through the nearest fire exit
The light of day takes you by surprise and the sun is again flailing her arms
Every passserby is a perfect stranger, potential friend or future obsession
The one staring back... Hello!! Sorry, I hope I am not wasting your time
A triumvarite of hands all shake the face at twelve o'clock on the dot
Then reach up and to give the sun a hug but the little one slips away
Shadows spurt inches by the second, gossip gets mouldy, love rusts
Hardback classics on shelves cough, headlines shrivel in stands
The nation sits, removes shoes, lies down and closes each eye
Shopping list, borrowed shoes, 9 o'clock news, octopus loose
Again, the daylight on the inside takes us all by surprise
Memories scribble on brain-scraps,Imagination fills gaps
Morning bird-man of all seasons/hours flies backwardly
The red-rooster and Mr Dave Nolan reach a compromise:
While the sun is still yawning- Cock-a-doodle-doo
While the moon's not looking- Doo-doodle-a-cock!
And those famous little piggies know grinningly
End where you begin and don't sin knowingly
The deeds of the day are but dust at dusk
as are our deeds of dreams in the dawn
Loooong overdrawn, but... called on
Point overthereward-clickety-click
and what if your subject blinks?
Let it- dear god! Make it!!
With a bit of luck you'll
scratch a lightning rod.
So settle your tripod
Deep i'th'earth and
With some stiiicks
etch into the sky
a trio of mooons
a pillow puzzzle
one x tree
Roman columns spring up, a rocket penetrates the stage. STARS drink from long bottles
LUNA:(with guitar) ¡Ay! ¿Quién...?(Stops. Silence. All stare at you on the ground)
You raise your head, get up and leave the theatre through the nearest fire exit
The light of day takes you by surprise and the sun is again flailing her arms
Every passserby is a perfect stranger, potential friend or future obsession
The one staring back... Hello!! Sorry, I hope I am not wasting your time
A triumvarite of hands all shake the face at twelve o'clock on the dot
Then reach up and to give the sun a hug but the little one slips away
Shadows spurt inches by the second, gossip gets mouldy, love rusts
Hardback classics on shelves cough, headlines shrivel in stands
The nation sits, removes shoes, lies down and closes each eye
Shopping list, borrowed shoes, 9 o'clock news, octopus loose
Again, the daylight on the inside takes us all by surprise
Memories scribble on brain-scraps,Imagination fills gaps
Morning bird-man of all seasons/hours flies backwardly
The red-rooster and Mr Dave Nolan reach a compromise:
While the sun is still yawning- Cock-a-doodle-doo
While the moon's not looking- Doo-doodle-a-cock!
And those famous little piggies know grinningly
End where you begin and don't sin knowingly
The deeds of the day are but dust at dusk
as are our deeds of dreams in the dawn
Loooong overdrawn, but... called on
Point overthereward-clickety-click
and what if your subject blinks?
Let it- dear god! Make it!!
With a bit of luck you'll
scratch a lightning rod.
So settle your tripod
Deep i'th'earth and
With some stiiicks
etch into the sky
a trio of mooons
a pillow puzzzle
one x tree
Blogheads don't know how to open up a bit more. It made a much neater elliptical shape in my notepad.
ResponderEliminarcustomize --> layout --> edit html
change your main width to whatev. perhaps 650 or so.
#main-wrapper {
width: 650px;
Ah. Better.